Category: Being Yarsh

  • I’m ready for vacation

    I don’t want to get into too much detail, but today was day 25 straight of work for me. We finished the product that we expected to, and it only took us just over 3x the time we estimated (yeah, we were off a bit). We gotta get better at that. And we will get…

  • I ain’t afraid of no Tico

    For some reason, Group 2 came up today in conversation. I was conveniently reminded by Mark of a wallpaper that I created to coincide with the wonderful Group 2 category that I found myself conveniently placed under…   

  • Let the stress commence

    Mark recently posted that we just landed a nice large project that is due relatively quickly. I am doing close to 90% of the development on it, so it will keep me busy. I am confident that I can meet the deadline, but am also nervous about it. Deadlines suck, but our estimates still appear…

  • Mr. Clean!

    You all knew that I would continue forward in my quest to become Mr. Clean… I took the next step tonight. Yes, I got my ears pierced. Both of them (but I couldn’t get a good shot of me with both ears in the pic).Watch out, Mr. Cartoon-Cleaning-Product-Advertisement guy… I may have your bushy white…

  • Rest in peace, Chelmo.

    Yesterday, my kitty Chelsi passed away over night. Her health had been steadily declining for a couple of years, and her kidneys stopped working all together this week. Although she was a family cat, no one would really argue who she loved the most. So when my mom called me on Friday night to tell…

  • Time for an update…

    Instead of writing several posts about what is going on with my life, I think 1 post with brief snippets of info will suffice. 1) My job search continues. I have determined that is the greatest job website. I post my resume on there, and people call me about potential positions. After updating my…

  • 27!

  • Fin

    Yesterday marked the end of my tenure with Trax Technologies. I am full of mixed emotions about this. I have been, and will continue to be, restrained in what I say about the company that has given me 2+ years of employment. However, I did want to say a few final things. To start, my…

  • Saturday Night’s Alright

    Saturday night was fantastic. I was lookin’ particularly money for a spectacular event – the Ben Araiza / Chain Link Faith show! And since I was lookin’ money, I was feelin’ money! It had been a long time since us guys (Rickey, Randy, and I) had really been out on the town, and this was…

  • I Am Awesome

    I know what you’re thinking, “Yarsh is the Awesomest among the Awesome.” And you’d be right. But recently, it has come to my attention that my Awesomeness can never eclipse this simple image: Great. Now what am I gonna to do with my life??? Despair, Inc’s Demotivational posters / Spoofs of Despair, Inc’s Demotivational posters