Keytar Hero
One day I told Shorty that he should make a comic on his website about Guitar Hero… Actually, I told him he had to make a Keytar Hero comic panel. But he never did, so I took matters into my own hands… (clicky full size) I thought it was pretty funny and turned out very…
The game of Tag stops here…
Debs tagged me with one of those “You must fill this out since I called you out” Chain-Letter things. Even though I NEVER (ok, extremely rarely) comply with such dumb requests, I promised to create one in this instance. And since I don’t blog on MySpace, I will do it right here. The rules: I…
I’s a blarging!!!111Eleventybillion
Finally, a post! It’s been one crazy month since I posted anything, and since I really have some stuff to write, here I am. I will try to make this as short as possible, but you and I both know that I can get wordy when writing my thoughts out… Business as Usual: Work has…
This is it!
This is the post that I have (im)patiently waited to write for over 4 months. And now that there is resolution to the story, I can finally lay it out for all of yous. This is the story of 1 man and his journey. A journey filled with heartbreak, frustration, excitement, nervousness, sadness, and happiness.…
Too much fun to be had
I ended up getting $170 dollars worth of gift certificates to Best Buy for my birthday. So, yesterday I decided to see if I could spend some of it. I went to the local BB to pick up Casino Royale and God of War 2. I would also check for a Wii (chances were extremely…
Happiness is a warm gun
So, my birthday was mighty fine. Didn’t do much really, but that’s kinda my style. I got calls from many of you, others left me gifts (such as Abbi’s cupcakes… Yum!), and still others I got to see in person. I thank each and every one of you. Thank you Mark and John for the…
Random Thoughts and Another Year…
Once again, it has been a while since an update. Still not ready to post about vehicles that I may or may not have… Instead, I bring you random thoughts that have occurred to me over the past few days, and perhaps a few other tidbits as well. * I watched Stranger Than Fiction last…
What? A blog post?…
I mean, What a blog post! I wanted to write up an update on the state of Yarsh, but I am not quite ready just yet to reveal all details. So, the post about transportation will have to wait a little bit longer. Instead, I will provide you with some other aspects of my life.…
I’m tired…
Just wanted to throw a brief update out there since it has been a while… I’m tired. I’m stressed out. I’m frustrated. I haven’t gotten any Christmas shopping done, and am not sure if I will have money to do any. I get to go to court tomorrow due to a civil traffic violation, which…
Carry on, Wayward Son
It’s been an interesting week. Since my last post has run its course, it’s time to move on. Let me catch you up. Last Tuesday, Guitar Hero 2 finally came out. I handily beat the medium difficulty, but the hard difficulty is already giving me some issues (not to mention Expert level). They definitely ramped…