Category: Music

  • Why didn’t I think of that?

    This morning I was right on time for work. But then I realized I had to get gas. So I stopped for gas. Then I was back on my way… and remembered that I forgot to take my Lactose meds. So I drove back home and grabbed my meds. Then I was finally off to…

  • Tired of the ‘Dramatic Chipmunk’?…

    If you happen to NOT be tired of the Dramatic Chipmunk, or have not yet seen variations of the theme, then click here. Otherwise, the following videos are for your viewing pleasure. Guyz Nite may have created the awesomest song-tribute to a movie. I present… Die Hard! Note – this song does have a verse…

  • Random Thoughts and Another Year…

    Once again, it has been a while since an update. Still not ready to post about vehicles that I may or may not have… Instead, I bring you random thoughts that have occurred to me over the past few days, and perhaps a few other tidbits as well. * I watched Stranger Than Fiction last…

  • Update 08.16.06

    I don’t have much on my mind right now. Actually, that’s not true – I have tons on my mind right now, but the limited ability to express such things in words at this time. So instead of just posting another “Mr Clean” photoshop, I figured I would kill a few birds with one post.…

  • Design Decision Complete

    When I last left off in my Credit Card Design post, I had a majority vote for design #4, but I was still leaning towards #5. I asked my brother why his preference was for #4 and he said that the crease in the sheet music wasn’t as apparent as it was in #5. I…

  • Perfect Day for a Cure 2

    Just giving my peeps a heads-up. The Ben Araiza band will be playing their second annual Perfect Day for a cure show this Saturday night, August 19th. For anyone who likes music, this is the show to be at. All proceeds for the Perfect Day for a Cure show go to the Lance Armstrong Foundation.…

  • Remedy, Part 1

    Music makes me feel good. Writing and playing it, even more so. Although I didn’t play much tonight to make me feel better about my day, I did resort to old faithful – Dream Theater DVD’s. I popped in Metropolis 2000: Live Scenes from New York. Immediately, I felt soothed. I had nearly forgotten how…

  • My decision making skills seem to be lacking…

    I came home from work today and found an invitation in my email box. The invitation was to create my own image for my personal Capital One card. They now have this thing where you can upload an image and submit it to them to put on the front of your credit card, and the…

  • Guitar Hero

    No, I’m not referring to a certain Wanna-Be Rock Star… I’m referring to the insanely addictive Guitar Hero for PS2. The sole reason for this post? Some of the new tracks in Guitar Hero 2 have been announced, and will be playable at E3 next week. Of the 7 songs announced, I am stoked for…

  • A new toy 🙂

    Today, I went to Guitar Center with Randall. There were things there that we each wanted, and we both left with those things in our hands. For Randall, a new guitar. He has been itching to start laying down some ideas with a guitar, and now he has that ability. He purchased an awesome Ernie…