Category: Music

  • The Redeeming Qualities of a song

    “Robert” really likes the Gwen Stefani song, Hollaback Girl. I think that the song sucks. It got me thinking to myself (and aloud), “What are the redeeming qualities of a song?” First, there must be music involved in the song somewhere. And I’m not talking ambient noise or arpeggios. Hollaback Girl has the arpeggios, played…

  • Full length review of Dream Theater’s “Octavarium”

    In a previous post, I had given a brief review of the new Dream Theater album, Octavarium. The reason I kept it brief was because the album had not yet been released and I did not want to give any spoilers away to the Dream Theater fans who may come across it. So now I…

  • Wanted… Dead or Alive

    I, along with John, went to the birthday party on Saturday night. I certainly didn’t add my 2 cents to the musical stylings while the party was hopping. I had to go see a friend’s band play, so I left the party early. But I did return. And also sang a very poor rendition of…

  • I am a bad person

    Yes I have, from time to time, downloaded an album that has not yet been released – via bitTorrent. I have also downloaded released albums, if only to see if I like it (but I do end up buying them if I like it). Take NIN‘s new “With Teeth” album – I thought it sucked,…