Category: Insight

  • Job Requirements: None?

    Note to employers the world around: If the position you are trying to fill has 1 important requirement, please make sure that your selected candidate can actually handle said requirement. Case in point: I spent the majority of my day yesterday sitting on my butt, watching movies, and playing my Nintendo DS from 8:45AM –…

  • “I’m an Idiot”, or “The One That Got Away”

    Hi. I’m an idiot. And I get reminded of it often. But every once in a while, the reminder is so explosive that I just cannot help but to reexamine exactly what went wrong. I guess it was 1999 (which seems like an eternity ago – heck, it was nearly a quarter of my lifetime…

  • The New Guy

    I subscribe to a “unofficial” Dilbert comic RSS feed, and yesterday’s was good enough for me to manipulate a bit and post for you all to see… Make your own conclusions. (the hair and the image’s alt tag should give you a clue) [tags]Dilbert, Funny Cartoon[/tags]

  • Yarsh – always willing to help those less fortunate

    The other day, I gave some advice to a friend in need. He was having trouble understanding why his heart got ripped out of his chest by the girl who he was dating for nearly a year. It’s not often that I get a chance to give such advice, especially considering my current relationship status…

  • Phoenix, the city of ‘Next Year’

    I knew it was too good to be true. That The Suns would have enough steam to plow through the Dallas Mavericks. It is just so heartbreaking to watch your favorite team go down in flames (pun slightly intended). And once again, like all faithful Suns fans, we say “Wait until next year.” And we…

  • Kevin Smith’s “Me and My Shadow” – UPDATED

    I was really hoping to hold off my post about this until the story is completed (in the online blog format), but some other sites have gotten a hold of the story and are starting to link to it. For that reason, I am going to link to it now as well. I read Kevin…

  • A Lesson in Integrity, aka “She bit my f***ing lip”

    Saturday night, Randall and I went to the Chamber 8 show. It started off pretty slow, but I ended up with quite a story… Part 1: Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi… Our story begins after Chamber 8 finished their set. Randall and I were just chillin’, talking with Anne, Amy, Gary, and a couple of others.…

  • Fin

    Yesterday marked the end of my tenure with Trax Technologies. I am full of mixed emotions about this. I have been, and will continue to be, restrained in what I say about the company that has given me 2+ years of employment. However, I did want to say a few final things. To start, my…

  • I Am Awesome

    I know what you’re thinking, “Yarsh is the Awesomest among the Awesome.” And you’d be right. But recently, it has come to my attention that my Awesomeness can never eclipse this simple image: Great. Now what am I gonna to do with my life??? Despair, Inc’s Demotivational posters / Spoofs of Despair, Inc’s Demotivational posters

  • Goodbye Sober Day

    I have 2 things to say. 1) I have entered the last 26 days of employment with my current employer. I don’t necessarily see this as a bad thing, more like a good opportunity, but the reason for leaving is… unfortunate to say the least. My boss has chosen to move in-house development to a…