Phoenix, the city of ‘Next Year’

I knew it was too good to be true. That The Suns would have enough steam to plow through the Dallas Mavericks. It is just so heartbreaking to watch your favorite team go down in flames (pun slightly intended). And once again, like all faithful Suns fans, we say “Wait until next year.” And we did it last year, too.

Well, if Joe Johnson hadn’t been injured, we would have beaten San Antonio. But wait until next year…

But it’s not just The Suns. We say the same thing every year with the Arizona Cardinals. The beginning of the football season can’t come soon enough, because we all know that The Cardinals have made some good moves in the off season to shore up some problem spots in the roster. And what are we all saying right now? Wait until this coming football season… The Cardinals have a healthy Kurt Warner. They signed one of the best running backs in football – Edgerrin James. They got a steal in the college draft – Matt Leinart, former USC star quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner; future Cardinals starting quarterback. And all of this talk about a team that was 5-11 last year…

There is no single city* in the USA that can feel our collective pain. If it wasn’t for a then-4-year-old Diamondbacks team, Phoenix/Arizona would have a total of zero pro sports championship trophies.

But we really want the NBA trophy.

So, wait until next year, when we have Amare back.
Wait until next year, when we have Kurt Thomas back.
Wait until next year, when Nash has had another year to let another Western Conference finals loss sink in.
Wait until next year, when Raja Bell doesn’t have a torn calf muscle.
Wait until next year. The Suns will win it all.

*This assumes a minimum of 2 Pro franchises in the following leagues: NBA, NFL, MLB, and NHL.
And I’m really just guessing about that… but it certainly feels like Phoenix endures the most pain.


4 responses to “Phoenix, the city of ‘Next Year’”

  1. Whatever! God RED SOX! Just playin’…I was sick on the Suns finals games until they lost..I was rooting for them all the way over here. :(…