Category: teh Funny

  • Look! A White Elephant!!!

    Sorry I have been away for so long. Lots of stuff going on – some good, some not good – but I finally had some stuff that I really wanted to get onto my blog, and this is a quick and silly one. So, the company had a Christmas party this year and we were…

  • Tired of the ‘Dramatic Chipmunk’?…

    If you happen to NOT be tired of the Dramatic Chipmunk, or have not yet seen variations of the theme, then click here. Otherwise, the following videos are for your viewing pleasure. Guyz Nite may have created the awesomest song-tribute to a movie. I present… Die Hard! Note – this song does have a verse…

  • Dun Dun Duuuuuuuuun!!!!!

    It took a few views… The first time I watched it, I thought it was kinda funny. By the fifth time, I laughing hysterically. [tags]Dramatic Chipmunk[/tags]

  • The ‘Q’ stands for Kwality

    The shirt that I am currently wearing is ok. Nothing great. Doesn’t even look spectacular. But it is comfortable and is apparently designed to stay cool even in the summer heat (the verdict is still out on that one). But this particular shirt has 1 major thing going for it – It is a Haggar…

  • Keytar Hero

    One day I told Shorty that he should make a comic on his website about Guitar Hero… Actually, I told him he had to make a Keytar Hero comic panel. But he never did, so I took matters into my own hands… (clicky full size) I thought it was pretty funny and turned out very…

  • I’s a blarging!!!111Eleventybillion

    Finally, a post! It’s been one crazy month since I posted anything, and since I really have some stuff to write, here I am. I will try to make this as short as possible, but you and I both know that I can get wordy when writing my thoughts out… Business as Usual: Work has…

  • Immature Geek Humor

    While at lunch today, we discussed how one of our clients actually understands what we do: why we may be more expensive than your typical web haus, but are ultimately better. The answer is because your average web design company knows little-to-nothing about backend development, whereas our expertise lies primarily in the backend of software…

  • Happy Birthday, Nate

    It is my buddy’s birthday today, and I decided to make him a little birthday wish via jpeg. Here is what I sent him: [tags]The Hoff, Gary Coleman, KITT, Birthday[/tags]

  • Animator vs. Animation

    Just thought I would do a quick update and show y’all a funny flash animation. Animator vs. Animation is what happens when a flash animation comes to life and decides that it does not like what the animator is… well, animating. Animator vs. Animation created by Alan Becker [tags]Animator vs. Animation, Alan Becker[/tags]

  • Update 08.16.06

    I don’t have much on my mind right now. Actually, that’s not true – I have tons on my mind right now, but the limited ability to express such things in words at this time. So instead of just posting another “Mr Clean” photoshop, I figured I would kill a few birds with one post.…