Goodbye Praguenauts
Here are the pictures that I promised you yesterday of our little going away party
A feeling of relief
What an interesting weekend. Not necessarily in the “awesome” sense, but more in the “this could be awesome” sense. Friday after work, we went to Rock Bottom to say farewell to the Praguenauts. I have pictures that I will post later today or tomorrow. Saturday, I dropped John off at the office so that he…
It kept running through my head
The best practical jock that Johnny had played on anyone. Snooch.
Poker, Araiza, Real, and a CLK430
Friday night, John, Ali, Chris & Palmercat gal, and I went over to Mark‘s place for some poker. Had a lot of fun there, with Mark kicking total ass until Chris took over and wiped him out. Chris ended up winning $90 from the night. Bastard! My luck has become horrible at poker pretty much…
Latest Pic of Maddi
Jabbi, or as they are now called – Jabbilyn, stopped by the office today to let all of the employees ooh and aah over Madilyn. I decided that I would take a picture of her as an update to the post announcing her birth. Look at how cute she’s gotten!
Summer Concerts, Gas Water Heaters, and Short Hair
It’s been a while since I blogged, and seeing how I am extremely bored right now… Summer Concerts: Usually, the best concerts are during the summer months. And so far, there have been 3 of them that I have enjoyed immensly – Gigantour (with Dream Theater, Megadeth, Symphony X, Fear Factory, etc), Ra (with Breaking…
It’s Official
Madilyn Faith Williams, my niece, was born at 1:57 PM today. She weighed in at a whopping 6 pounds 10 ounces. This marks the first grandchild for both my parents and for Jeff’s parents (well, at least his Mom’s). That also means that it is my first Uncle role. Go me. And Chris. And congrats…
The Aftermath
Last night, we (Rickey, Randall, and I) had our first rehearsal with Todd at the Guitar Helm. We all had fun and thought it was awesome. We ended up writing half of a song, which is very cool and very metal – heavy in areas, pleasant in others (I get a very Opeth vibe from…
Selection Fixation
I have this weird habit while at my computer. When I am thinking about a solution, or just contemplating life, I have a tendency to click and drag my mouse pointer around the desktop – specifically highlighting only the wallpaper and none of my links or icons. Sometimes, you can get the little dotted-line box…
Now Accepting applications for a Japanese girlfriend
So, I’m not really looking for a Japanese girlfriend (Link is SFW, website is NSFW), per se. Just need a girlfriend in general. But what’s the rush? Well, first off, my sister has been married for 4+ years and is due to have Madalyn Faith Williams any day now. And as of about 6 hours…