I came home from work today and found an invitation in my email box. The invitation was to create my own image for my personal Capital One card. They now have this thing where you can upload an image and submit it to them to put on the front of your credit card, and the first one (for Capital One Visa customers) is free.

I decided to make a musical collage. I spent nearly 5 hours playing with ideas and came up with a few that I like, but cannot decide which to choose (you can only choose 1; additional designs cost money). So I leave it up to my readers to decide. Which one should I go with? Or should I choose none of the above? Let me know via comments, please. I need your help!
Remember that the card numbers and my name will be written over the lower half of the image…
[tags]Music, Design, Collage, Credit Card[/tags]
4 responses to “My decision making skills seem to be lacking…”
I think you should use something from your Mr. Clean post. https://retro.yarsh.com/?p=87
I like the last one best.
#4 FTW!!!111!!!!
I’ma have to say #4 !!oneoneelevenone!