Masking the Sun

On my drive home today, I realized that I had not heard Clouds Over Phoenix* (right-click, Save Target As…) in quite a long time. It seems to be the correct dose of medication for me right now.

I thought I would share it with those of you who may not have heard it before, and those of you who just forgot about it. It’s a great song, and you’ll think so too. If this is not the case, and you do not like the song, you are hereby banned from reading YarshBlog! for the rest of eternity.


*Clouds Over Phoenix © Phoenix Down, 2004


3 responses to “Masking the Sun”

  1. Well thank you. I happened to have a small hand in the creation of this song (like writing the music, lyrics, recording piano & strings, and background vocals). I must also mention the other key contributors: Randall, Rickey, He who must not be named, and Jaybot.

    You are allowed to continue venturing into Yarsh territory.