What a joke

210 yards passing, 176 yards rushing. Not terrible offensive numbers. But then you add this: 3 Interceptions, 3 fumbles, and 0 offensive touchdowns. Ouch.

Now compare that to 400 yards passing and 576 yards rushing, 1 interception, 1 fumble, and 4 passing touchdowns. And a final score of 23 to 80.

Yes, it was a horrible local football weekend. 23 points – not bad. Unless you consider that it is the point total for ASU and the Arizona Cardinals combined. Two ‘offensive powerhouses’ playing about as well as Maddi with a racquetball.

So, here’s what I have to say…

1) Fire Dirk Koetter. ASU’s head coach did not deserve the contract extension that he received last year. And this is proof. As if last week wasn’t enough (ASU getting blown out by Cal, 49-21), you have to go and out-do yourself. Masterful ploy to get you to the front of the line at the unemployment office.

2) Sam Keller should still be at ASU, but Koetter fuX0r3d that one up too. Naming Keller as the starter, then changing your mind… WTF? So instead of having 2 good quarterbacks competing for the top spot, you have 1 who has yet to prove that he should have gotten that starting nod. Way to go, Rudy Carpenter! You managed to get rid of your main competition at the QB spot, just in time for you to become a horrible HORRIBLE quarterback. Asshat. Keller must be laughing his ass off in Nebraska.

3) I feel sorry for Matt Leinart. He shouldn’t have to come in to play because of Warner being a douchey QB. But now he is in, and he probably will be for the remainder of the season barring injury (but that would be just like the Cardinals, wouldn’t it?). So, Leinart gets the start next Sunday. It’ll be good practice, but I don’t see the Cards winning many more games this season unless we get some offensive line help. And Leinart’s gonna need some protection.

4) Even if we had a semi-decent O line, Edge would be able to get more than 41 yards on 20 carries. But considering that this is the Cardinals, we have a shitty line, and he gets a whopping 2.05 Yards Per Carry average this week. I hope you weren’t one of the suckers that drafted Mr. James in your fantasy league. There is only 1 logical conclusion to make from these facts…

5) Fire Dennis Green. The Cardinals head coach has done nothing with the immense talent he has been given over the past 3 years. They have one of the best running backs in the league. They have the best wide receiver core in the league. And they had zero offensive touchdowns this week. And only 3 in the last 3 games. Even Dirk Koetter could get more points from this offense. Well, maybe not.

6) Ban all pro and college sports from Arizona. We’ve had enough of this shit.

One final note not related to Football – Farewell, Gonzo. We’ve had a wonderful 8 years with you and will surely never forget that bloop single.

[tags]Football, ASU, Arizona Cardinals, Luis Gonzalez[/tags]

6 responses to “What a joke”

  1. The Cardinals’ problems all stem from the o-line. It has always been terrible and the ownership refuses to do anything about it. Kurt Warner was doomed before he ever took a snap; you have a QB who can’t scramble and takes his time in the pocket paired with one of the worst offensive lines ever… yeah that’ll work. I hope they bring a spatula on the 16th when the Bears come into town, they’ll need to peel Leinart off the grass.

    Oh well, at least they’re not Oakland…

  2. Ha ha, being a Cardinals fan is like dating a drug addict, they keep saying they’ll get clean, but year after year, they end up selling their bodies heroin. So, what’s being a Lions fan like? A submissive housewife that gets beat with a wrench every week?

  3. I think you all hit the nail on the head!! It would serve the cards right if leinart gets knocked out for the entire season(not wishing upon this btw)