Movie Mash-ups / Recuts

I still haven’t even begun working with my new blog software, but I did want to make a post for Rickey.

This weekend, I showed him a couple of the really funny Movie Mash-ups / Recuts that have been all the rage recently on the net. We had some good laughs and I promised to find more. So here is a list of the ones I deem to be the funniest. If you have any more to share, let me know via comments or email.

All of these videos can be seen at YouTube, or you can click on anything other than the Play button on each of the videos to see them in full size.

1. Shining (Recut trailer for The Shining – the one that started it all)


2. Brokeback to the Future (Mash-up of Brokeback Mountain & Back to the Future)


3. 10 things I hate about Commandments (Mash-up of The 10 Commandments & 10 things I hate about you)


4. Big


5. Titanic Two The Surface (Mash-up of several Leo movies to create a sequel to Titanic)


6. Se7en


7. Toy Story 2: Requiem (Mash-up of Requiem for a Dream & Toy Story 2)


8. Top Gun (It just had to be done…)


9. Sleepless in Seattle (as a horror movie)


10. You’ve got Mail Redux (You’ve got Mail scene, redone with today’s chat standards)


11. Neo vs. Robocop


12. Taxi Driver (a romantic comedy)


13. Chicago (the musical is now a horror)


[tags]Movies, Mash-Up, Recut, Shining[/tags]
