Hi all…

It’s been a LOOOOOoooong time since I have posted anything. And I am not going to be posting anything significant here just yet…

This is just a note to say that I am planning a site redesign. I have gotten rid of my content at yarsh.com and this blog will be the new home of yarsh.com (retro.yarsh.com will continue to point to this location). Once I have the redesign complete, I will begin at least attempting to post semi-regularly. I will also host some of the old content here, specifically IOTD (funny images around the interwebs) and Looney Bin (personal pictures).

Stay tuned, and thanks to the 3 or 4 of you who just happen to still be subscribed to my RSS feed. It will be worth it.


2 responses to “Hi all…”

  1. Josh, are you ever going to blog again? I miss your funny pictures even if they were photoshopped to create them.