I think I am finally done with my poker losing streak, which started back here. In the past week I have only not placed twice, out of 9 games (most of them $10 buy-ins). Of the six games that I have placed in, I have taken 1st place twice ($67.50), 2nd place twice ($40.50), and 3rd place 3 times ($36).
In fact, I got some great luck at my table tonight. I was being very patient with my cards, and many times I called a bet pre-flop – only to have it raised (to which I folded – even with AQ off-suit, pocket 9s, and Siegfried & Roy). So come the 26th hand of the match, I finally get a pair of cards in the hole that nobody can bully me out of playing with: AA. One guy goes all in before me, pre-flop, so I call…

Flop comes A-4-A, giving me 4-of-a-kind Aces. The other guy was drawing dead. I made a killing. And ended up placing 3rd when I was expecting an exit very shortly before I got that hand.
Thanks Full Tilt Poker!