I Hate UPS too…

Mark posted last week that he hated UPS, specifically due to the fact that “A Natural Disaster” caused a package to be delayed.

What he didn’t mention is that this particular package is my new work computer and 2 monitors. I am currently working on my laptop, and while it is a great laptop and one that I am productive on, it is not a daily desktop with 2 monitors (which definitely helps the production process).

My reason for hating UPS now? It was rescheduled for delivery on Friday but no one was home at Mark’s place. So it was postponed to today, but the idiot UPS driver didn’t ring the door bell and Mark’s wife didn’t hear him knock (she was at home), so it again was not delivered today. Grrrr!!!

So, instead of having a full week + of development time on my new computer for my current project, I get 2 days. Thanks UPS!

10 responses to “I Hate UPS too…”

  1. Okay, so I’m here at home waiting for the delivery. The woman on the phone said it was coming today, even though the website says not until tomorrow. We’ll see who the liar is.