Aye, Talk Like a Pirate Day ’tis be upon us.
And in case ye be wonderin’ if more Mr. Clean pics be in process, I’m currently disinclined to acquiesce to your request.
[tags]Talk Like A Pirate Day[/tags]
Aye, Talk Like a Pirate Day ’tis be upon us.
And in case ye be wonderin’ if more Mr. Clean pics be in process, I’m currently disinclined to acquiesce to your request.
[tags]Talk Like A Pirate Day[/tags]
3 responses to “AVAST, ME MATEYS!!!!”
That’s kind of a cross between Deadwood and Pirates of the Caribbean.
Mark, do I need to add a little side note?
“No F-bombs or C-words were used in the making of this post”
You were sitting 10 feet behind me, I could’ve sworn I heard something slip.